George Azcárate

Research and Teaching Interests

Biopolitics, Materialism, Infrapolitics, Healthcare, Healing, Healers, Patients


Covid Nursing blog 

Interview while working in New York - Covid Storm

George Azcárate, a new PhD candidate, is from the border of Texas and Mexico. He was born in El Paso, but raised in Ciudad Juarez. He would like to explore the healer/patient relationship and how the patient's body is transformed into a book that the healer not only reads in search of signs and symptoms but also writes and edits. He is interested in Biopolitics, Bioethics, and the emergence of the modern hospital as a political instrument for the governance and nurturing of life and health. He is also drawn to the other and darker side of biopolitics: the abandonment, exclusion and even suppression of life as a modern expression of political power. He is a registered nurse with extensive experience in the Intensive Care Unit.


Azcárate, Jorge. "El Paso and the Sister City," New Border Voices: an Anthology. First ed., College Station, Texas A&M University Press, 158-159, 2014

Azcárate, George, Zombieland USA Pittsburgh Capital de los muertos vivos. Babia: Edicion Terror. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2010 

Azcárate, George, "Snow in the Desert," Bordersenses: Anthology. Vol. 8, El Paso, Texas. 110-111, 2004