Ana Leticia Fauri

Associate Teaching Professor of Portuguese


M. A. and Ph.D., in Literary Theory from Faculdade de Letras at PUCRS, in Brazil

M.A. and Ph.D., Portuguese and Brazilian Studies from Brown University


Ana Leticia Fauri holds an M. A. and a Ph.D. in Literary Theory from Faculdade de Letras at PUCRS, in Brazil, and a second M.A. and Ph.D. Portuguese and Brazilian Studies from Brown University. Originally from Porto Alegre, Brazil, professor Fauri has lived, researched and taught in Brazil, in Portugal, and in the United States. She has published multiple articles and essays on Lusophone literature, and is currently working on the edition of a book on Erico Verissimo’s political thought, in which she analyzes the last novels by the southern Brazilian writer, and contrasts them with interviews and historical documents from several archives in Brazil and in the United States. Her research interests focus on the mechanisms by which governments’ repressive actions impacted 20th century literature, culture and history in Brazil and Portugal. 

Representative Publications

1. Books

FAURI, Ana Leticia; BORDINI, Maria da Gloria (Org.) Erico Verissimo na União Panamericana. Discursos 1953-1956. (Erico Verissimo in the Pan-American Union - Speeches 1953-1956). Rio de Janeiro: Macunaíma; CNPq, 2020. 256 p.

FAURI, Ana Leticia, et al. DELP – Dicionário Essencial de Língua Portuguesa (The Essential Dictionary of the Portuguese Language). 6ª edition. Porto Alegre: Rígel. 2012. 804 p.

2. Book Chapters

"O Mundo no Escuro: Identidade e Reconhecimento em A Paixão Segundo G.H., de Clarice Lispector" (The World in the Dark: Identity and Recognition in The Passion According to G.H., by Clarice Lispector), In.: Jardim, Luciana (Org.) Escritas do Íntimo. São Paulo: Horizonte, 2018. p. 240-253.

“História, Política e Literatura no Contexto do Estado Novo”. (History, Politics and Literature during the Portuguese New State) In.: Petrov, Petar et al. (Org.) Avanços em Literatura e Cultura Portuguesas – Século XX. Vol. 2. Associação Internacional de Lusitanistas. Santiago de Compostela, Faro: Através Editora, 2008. p. 29-40.

“Todos os Nomes da Lucidez: a Identidade e a Representação do Sujeito em José Saramago. (All the Names of Lucidity: Identity and Character Representation in José Saramago's Works). In: Paulo de Medeiros; José N. Ornelas. (Org.). Da Possibilidade do Impossível: Leituras de Saramago. 1ª ed. Utrecht: Portuguese Studies Center, 2008. p. 67-88.

Phone: 574-631-2958
Office: 362 Decio Faculty Hall
Office Hours: Monday & Wednesday: 5pm – 6pm; Friday: 3pm - 4pm