Encarnación Juárez-Almendros

Emerita Professor Spanish


Encarnación Juárez-Almendros is an Emerita Professor of Spanish in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, a Faculty Fellow of the Medieval Institute and the Nanovic Institute for European Studies, and a faculty member of the Disability Studies Forum here at the University of Notre Dame. Her specialization is Early Modern Spanish literature and culture. Her research interest includes Quevedo and Cervantes’s works, autobiographical and picaresque prose, women writings (Teresa de Cartagena, Teresa de Ávila, Catalina de Erauso), cultural clothing, and disability studies.

Representative Publications

Professor Juárez-Almendros has published Italia en la vida y obra de Quevedo (1990), El cuerpo vestido y la construcción de la identidad en las narrativas autobiográficas del Siglo de Oro (Tamesis, 2006) and Disabled Bodies in Early Modern Spanish Literature: Prostitutes, Aging Women and Saints (Liverpool UP, 2017). She has edited the special section Disability Studies in the Hispanic World (Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies 2013). Her articles have appeared on Cervantes, MLA, Bulletin of the Comediantes, La Perinola, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, Revista Canadiense and eHumanista. She has been member of the MLA Committee on Disability Issues in the Profession (2005-2008) and of the MLA Executive Committee Division on Disability Studies (2009-2014).