Rubén Darío in the US: Translation Challenges

Author: Staff

Ruben Dario In The Us

On Tuesday, November 9th, 2021 from 1-4 a workshop was in session. Please see video here. The Workshop "Rubén Darío in the US: Translation challenges" addresses two interrelated arguments: the first one about Rubén Darío's influence on US Latino/a culture and the need for better English translations of his works, and the second one about the crucial relation between better translations and the production of more accurate and authoritative critical Spanish-language editions on which to base them. In this virtual session, we focus first on discussing the recovery of Rubén Darío as a Latino poet due to the wide circulation of his work in Spanish-language periodicals in the United States during the early years of the 20th century. While he remains relatively obscure to English-language readers, recent studies on the emergence of US latinidad position his poetry as indexical of his immense influence on US Latino/a literature. Invited scholars such as Shawn McDaniel and Andrew Reynolds have touched on these aspects in their scholarly work. After that, the session is devoted to discussing the challenges, caveats, and future of English translations of Darío's works, which (except for Songs of Life and Hope, translated by Alberto Acereda and Will Derusha) are often awkward and filled with basic errors. Some have been reviewed as "carelessly conceived" that leave out some of his most important work and have been arranged in confusing ways, obscuring Darío's poetic and intellectual evolution, "as if his work had been created in a timeless void" (González Echevarría). Anna Deeny Morales, Adam Feinstein, Carlos Fonseca Grigsby, and Francisco Aragón take a stand, as invited guests, on these issues.