Recent professional activities by JoAnn DellaNeva, Professor Emerita, Romance Languages & Literatures

Author: Kelli Brown


“‘Adioustant quelque chose du sien’”: L’histoire de deux amants infortunés de Bandello à Belleforest.” In Éloge du singulier. Lire la littérature de la Renaissance avec Ullrich Langer, ed. Virginia Krause and Jan Miernowski (Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2023) 171-195.

“Desportes, Di Costanzo, and the Disproportionate Simile,” in Renovatio, Recettes, Renaissances: Essays in Honor of Jean-Claude Carron, Lingua Romana: A Journal of French, Italian, and Romanian Culture, ed. Robert Hudson and Christopher M. Flood, 17.1 (Spring 2023): 22-33.

Academic Lectures and Conference Presentations:

“A Wily and Wicked Widow? Brantôme’s Portrayal of Mary Tudor, Queen of France,” Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, Baltimore (October 2023).

“Anne Boleyn’s Youth in France: Imaginative Representations in Early Modern French Literature,” Renaissance Society of America, Puerto Rico (March 2023).

Awards and Honors:

Awarded a travel grant for research on my book in progress at the British Library from the Nanovic Institute.

Member Profile

Originally published by Kelli Brown at on February 09, 2024.