Paris Summer Study Aboad

Author: Staff

Apply Right Away for Summer Study in Paris: Deadline is November 1, 2021


The Paris Program comprises two courses taught by Notre Dame professors and a number of complementary outings in the city. The first course, titled “Postcolonial Paris: Contemporary French Cultures in Literature and the Arts,” taught by Dr. Alison Rice, examines the growing diversity of the French capital through the study of recent novels and essays, graphic novels and films, and visits to museums and various neighborhoods. The course contains a special focus on how “traditions” that are typically French are evolving in light of France’s role in the European Union as well as larger movements such as globalization and migration. The second course, “Paris, Visual Capital: Cinema, Photography, Media,” taught by Dr. Olivier Morel, explores the history of Paris in visual terms, focusing on key moments such as the Second World War, the Algerian War, and May 1968. It includes the study of film and photography, as the course title reveals, but also other aspects of the “capital of images” such as television, monuments and architecture, and the tradition of cartoonists. Guest speakers of the Paris Program are French filmmakers and novelists, photographers and publishers, as well as journalists. Hosted by the Accent Center, the program features a homestay.

Please see all information here.