Book Launch: Fines Infrapolíticos by Pedro A. Aguilera-Mellado (Tirant lo Blanch, 2022)


Location: Virtual

Fines Infrapolíticos de la Razón, la Representación y la Narrativa Española Moderna (Infrapolitical Ends: of Reason, Representation and Narrative in Modern Spain) by Pedro A. Aguilera-Mellado (Tirant lo Blanch, 2022) examines the exhaustion of the three modern categories of the book's subtitle, namely: reason, representation and narrative, and it consequently points towards the need of attuning to the infrapolitical register of existence in the face of the generalized symbolic crisis brought about by the present post-neoliberal epochality.

Featured faculty-presenters include: Cristina Moreiras-Menor (Iberian Studies & Gender Studies, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor); Gabriela Méndez-Cota (Philosophy & Gender Studies, Univ. Iberoamericana in Mexico City, Mexico); Julián Gutiérrez-Albilla (Iberian Studies, Gender Studies, and Comparative Literature, U. of Southern California in Los Ángeles); Patricia M. Keller (Iberian Studies & Comparative Literature, Cornell University), and Gareth Williams (Latin American Studies, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor). Moderator: Aníbal Pérez-Liñan, Professor of Political Sciences and Global Studies, Kellogg Institute, Director.

Please contact Maurcia Marshcke  or Pedro Aguilera-Mellado for registration.