Fabiola D'Angelo

Research and Teaching Interests

Afro-Italian Cinema and Literature, African Cinemas, Film Festival Studies, Second Language Pedagogy.


Fabiola, a second-year Masters student in Italian Studies, holds a Bachelor's degree in Film Studies from the University of Bologna. She continued her academic journey at the same university, pursuing a Master's degree in Film and Television Studies. Her research is centered around two main areas: national African cinema(S) and literature, as well as Afro-Italians representation and self-representation in different media. She has taken on roles as a film festival curator and event manager, gaining valuable experience in the world of cinema. Over time, her passion for film criticism has grown, as she recognized its power to reveal and explore social and political transformations within diverse cultures.

Email: fdangel2@nd.edu
Office: 331 O'Shaughnessy Hall - Center for Italian Studies Office Hours: by appointment