Tiziana Serafini (In memoriam 8/23)


2015 M.A., Language Pedagogy (Teaching and Promotion of Italian as a Foreign Language) – Università Ca’ Foscari, Venice, Italy

2010 Ph.D., Italian Literature, UCLA, Los Angeles 2004 M.A., Italian Literature, UCLA, Los Angeles

1995 M.A., American, English and German Literatures and Languages, Università di Roma “La Sapienza,” Rome, Italy

Research and Teaching Interests

Teaching Italian Culture, Literature and Language with Technology, Contemporary Italian Poetry and Narrative, Italian-American Studies, Women’s Writing .


Tiziana Serafini received her Master’s degree in American and German Literature from the University La Sapienza in Rome, her Ph.D.  in Italian Literature from the University of California, Los Angeles, and her Master’s degree in the Teaching of Italian as a Foreign Language from the University Ca’ Foscari in Venice. 

She has taught Italian language and culture at several institutions such as the University of California, Los Angeles, the University of Southern California, Santa Monica College, and Los Angeles City College. 

Prior to joining the University of Notre Dame, she was the Director of the Italian Language Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. 

She has published articles on the Promessi Sposi (2003), the Stil Novo Poetry (2005), Andrea Zanzotto (2008). She contributed to the translation of works by New York and Chicago poets in Nuova Poesia Americana – New York (2013) and Nuova Poesia Americana – Chicago (2019). She also coordinated the Florio Italian-English Dictionary transcription project (2013). 

Representative Publications

  • Nuova Poesia Americana – Chicago, Nino Aragno Editore, Torino, 2019.  Translation of poems by Ralph Dickey and Kenneth McCullough.
  • Florio Italian-English Dictionary. Transcription from the 1st edition (1598). University of Toronto Press, Toronto. 2013.
  • Nuova Poesia Americana – New York, Oscar Mondadori, Milano, 2009. Translation of  poems by Charles Reznikoff, David Shapiro, and Timothy Donnelly.
  • “Il linguaggio poetico di Zanzotto come Λόγος ερχόμενος”, in L’anello che non tiene, 2008.
  • "Lo sguardo storico nella rappresentazione manzoniana della peste”, in Carte Italiane, 2003.