New Course: Gender, Identity and Violence with Professor Valeria Mora-Hernández

Author: Maurcia Marschke

New Course: Gender, Identity and Violence with Professor Valeria Mora-Hernández

Vale 07
Vale 06
Vale 12

In 2019 Spain, the number of gender violence reports ascended to 125.936 during that year, while 55 women died because of the same reason.
The course "Gender, Identitiy and Violence" is an attempt to understand gender violence in contemporary Spain by looking at its past through Early Modern Spanish Literature. In the course, we will explore the portrayal of women, violence and identity in the work of canonical authors such as Cervantes, María de Zayas, Lope de Vega, among others. We will also study the sociohistorical context in which these texts are produced; and reflect on topics such as marriage, body representations and inequality in both Early Modern and contemporary periods. Taught in Spanish.