Alessia Blad New Director of the Center of the Study of Languages and Cultures (CSLC)

Author: Maurcia Marschke

Alessia Blad Web

Romance Languages and Literatures is pleased to inform you that the Dean of Arts and Letters has appointed Alessia Blad, Teaching Professor in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, to be Director of the Center for the Study of Languages and Cultures (CSLC) for a three-year term effective July 1, 2020-June 30, 2023.

As the Director, Alessia will manage and supervise all CSLC activities; advance the mission of the CSLC by raising its profile across campus, the nation, and around the world; and promote CSLC initiatives at the college, university, and community level.

Alessia has been teaching at Notre Dame since 1999 and she brings significant experience in foreign language teaching methodology and second language acquisition expertise. Her interests include Second Language Acquisition and teaching language and culture with a variety of media types. In 2003, Alessia received the Kaneb Award for Excellence in Teaching